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The Shack

K6RJ operating position.

The shack at K6RJ is a modest one. It set up in a corner of the garage in a used 6' x 6' cubicle. It gives me a 6' by 10' area all my own. It couldn't have worked out better. Now I no longer disturb my family when operating and it places the station nearer to my antenna and ground.

Example image - aligned to the right

Unfortunately, this is an old shot of the operating position. I will update all these photos with a new ones soon. I am currently operating a Flexradio Flex-3000 software-defined radio. I usually operate barefoot but I also have an old Heathkit HA-14 linear for when I need a little added punch.


My PC is a 2.8 GHz Dell Optiplex 170L with 4 GB of memory. It seems to be enough processor to handle the demands of the Flexradio and my logging software at the same time. With an SDR rig, it's the PC that handles all the modulation/demodulation, DSP, filtering, metering, control functions and more through the PowerSDR software.

My primary antenna is a ground-mounted Hustler 4BTV 40-20-15-10 meter vertical that seems to work well enough. I also have a 80 meter wire vertical strung from a tall pine tree that at least allows me to get out on that band.